Myopia Management

What is Myopia?

This condition occurs when the eyeball becomes too long. Because light rays cannot focus directly on the surface of the retina, distant scenes such as classroom whiteboards appear blurry.

Childhood myopia, or nearsightedness, is becoming more common. Myopia affects approximately 42% of Americans today.

High myopia can cause vision impairment and loss due to glaucoma, cataracts, retinal detachment, and choroidal neovascularization (myopic macular degeneration). This public health burden is expected to grow over time, with one study projecting that myopia prevalence will rise to 49.8 percent by 2050, with high myopia rising to 9.8 percent.

Types of Myopia Control:
There are now various efficient treatment options thanks to the decade's worth of study on slowing the progression of myopia.

​​​​​​​Treatment Options

MiSight Soft Contact Lenses:

  • Easy to fit, single use lenses

  • Suitable for children as young as 8 years old

  • MiSight contacts are specifically designed and FDA approved to slow elongation of the eye by using ActivControl technology

misight myopia control

Low Dose Atropine:

  • What is Atropine? In addition to being used as an eye medication or eye drop, atropine is utilized in general medicine. To test young children's eyesight, cure amblyopia (lazy eye), and manage various eye illnesses, atropine 1% is used as an eye drop to dilate (enlarge) the pupil and inhibit the eye's focusing mechanism.

  • The early experiments utilizing 1% atropine eye drops to halt the growth of myopia in children had substantial adverse effects, including enlarged pupils that rendered the kid more sensitive to light and blurry close-up vision.

  • Recent research have looked into lower dosages, which have little side effects, ranging from 0.01% to 0.05%. For the purpose of controlling myopia, atropine eye drops are applied once daily at night.


  • Both Orthokeratology (Ortho-K) and Corneal Refractive Therapy (CRT), which use specially made contact lenses to gently reshape the surface of your eye while you sleep, are safe, non-invasive, and reversible treatments. As a result, there is no need for glasses or contacts during the day. Since the effect is only temporary, lenses must be worn every night while you sleep.

  • After inspecting your eyes, your eye doctor will decide which kind of corneal reshaping lenses is ideal for you. These procedures are good vision correction options for busy youngsters, especially those interested in sports, or children who are genetically prone to having their nearsightedness develop year after year. They are also ideal for many adults whose jobs or hobbies do not allow them to wear glasses or contact lenses.

nearsightedness control
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